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Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Kindergarten and New House

Skyler will be starting Kindergarten next week and I am a nervous wreck. I never thought I would be one of these parents but here I am, stressing over it. I know she will be fine and do wonderful but I worry about how safe and secure schools are, if she will make new friends easy, if her class mates are going to be nice to her, if they are going to be good or bad influences on her, and most of all I want her to enjoy school while learning.

As for the house, it is coming a long. We have been in for about 3 weeks and this past weekend we got to stay home and get a lot done on the house. We missed the retirement party for Schuyler's Uncle because we had to wait on the Internet and satellite guys but we were able to get a lot accomplished. There still is so much to do and buy but it is coming along well. I will post some pics soon and we plan on having a get together once we get everything unpacked and put in its place.