Is she really 3 already??? I can't believe that my baby is 3. Happy birthday Madison!!! We love you so much.
family sticker
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Is she really 3 already???
Posted by SK 3 comments
Labels: Birthdays
Thursday, January 29, 2009
I would never...
I would never let me child wear her "dress up" clothes to dinner nor would I ever let her sit on the counter and lick the bowl after making blueberry muffins. I am so not one of "those" moms!
Posted by SK 1 comments
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
No place like home (again) / Smarty pants
There is NO PLACE LIKE HOME!.....especially my BED!!! So, it seems my fear that Madison was getting dehydrated was correct. At the pediatrician on Monday he informed us that she needed to be hospitalized for a while to get her over this hump. We were admitted Monday thinking it was going to be a 24 hour visit and we ended up staying for 3 days! she was pretty dehydrated, running a fever, hurting and just not eating or drinking. They gave her fluids and steroids and she seems much better this afternoon. We are both glad to be out of that hospital. No more 9pm, 1am, and 5am visits from nurses or beeping machines for me PLEASE! Oh and as I have mentioned before "mommy beds" in hospital rooms are soooo NOT comfortable!

Posted by SK 2 comments
Sunday, January 25, 2009
This weeks up's and down's
This past week has had ups and downs. One minute it seemed as though Madison was starting to feel better the next she would down and out again. She has been doing a lot of crying, a lot of sleeping and wanting to be held almost all the time but she has been a real trooper. She wants to be held to fall asleep which is something that we have not done for them since they were little babies. This weekend it seemed as though her throat was not hurting as much as it was in the beginning but I think she was getting pretty dehydrated. She has not been eating or drinking much and even giving her the pain medicine has been a drop down screaming and crying struggle. To get her to drink I was begging, then bribing and then resorted to threatening with having to go back to the hospital and get a shot (fluids) and I think that one finally worked. She has really been trying to drink today which still wasn't much. She had maybe 1/2 cup of water and 1 cup of Pedialite COMBINED throughout the day. I even give it to her in the middle of the night but mostly she only takes tiny sips. I am keeping a close eye on her though since she has lost a lot of weight. She is a week shy of 3yrs old and was 29 lbs the morning of the surgery and now is about 24lbs. Almost 5 lbs in a week. I am still worried but I think she finally started to make a turn around this evening.

Posted by SK 1 comments
A Scout's Honor
It seems that my husband has decided to "let" his project/toy have a blog. When time and money allows Schuyler has been working on an International Scout. For those of you who have no idea what a Scout is (like myself before he got one) you can click on over to it's blog. AKA Rusty.
Posted by SK 0 comments
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Out With the Bad

Loopy Madison after her "cocktail" to relax her before they took her back.
Sad, pitiful, and disoriented Madison in the recovery room after the surgery, trying to come out of anesthesia.
Finally... in our own room. She was having trouble keeping her oxygen levels up so they had oxygen by her to help when she was sleeping. (she freaked out when they tried to put the mask on her) She was also having to breath through her mouth since the removal of the adenoids blocked up her nose.
Doesn't she look tiny in this room and bed?

We are home now and things are a little better today. She is still in pain but not crying uncontrollably like yesterday when she was doped up and groggy. She has eaten a little including soup, Popsicles and mac-n-cheese. (Some stay down) Poor thing has been through a lot and we are just trying to keep her happy and comfortable. They say that day 3 and 4 will be the worse since the numbing medicine in her throat and back of nose from surgery will wear off and she will feel it all. Thank you for all of the phone calls and texts of concern in the past 2 days.
Posted by SK 3 comments
Monday, January 19, 2009
Bad Tonsils and Adenoids!!!
Tomorrow is the day....the day that Madison has her tonsils and adenoids removed. I am a little apprehensive about it because of the fact that we have to cause her pain to make her better, even though I know it is for the best. I am really struggling with how to prepare her for the surgery. I don't want to scare her but I have to somehow tell her what we are doing and why. Trust me... she will ask...she will ask a ton of questions and she will be scared and clinging to me like no ones business. She isn't that comfortable with doctors and I am sure this will make it worse. So we will see. Her and I will be at the hospital until at least Wednesday as they want to keep her for at least 24 hours to observe her due to her age and sleep apnea. I will update my blog as soon as I am able to.
Posted by SK 0 comments
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Prayers Needed for Baby Brandon
Please keep my nephew Brandon in your thoughts and prayers. He has been sick for a month or so now and last night they admitted him into the hospital with bronchitis, possible pneumonia, double ear infections and a nasty virus. All of this combined has caused him to lose a lot of weight. He is about 13lbs....almost 4 lbs behind Brianna his twin sister. (they are about 8 mo. old)
He has full blown pneumonia, is pretty sick and will be in the hospital a while.
Posted by SK 2 comments
Monday, January 12, 2009
Sick January
Madison has had a fever running, cranky causing, sleep effecting week lasting sever sinus infection that she is fighting with antibiotics, which she has to kick before her tonsillectomy on the 20th. Skyler seems to have gotten sick with I fear strep (again). She is headed to the Dr. today, I wonder if we can get a two-for-one on the tonsillectomy?!?! Even the dog is sick! Seems she may have gotten Kennel Cough last weekend at the dog park. She has an appointment this evening. MAN...GIVE ME A BREAK!
Posted by SK 3 comments
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Starting out 2009
We wish everyone a Happy New Year. We welcomed in the New Year with fireworks and BBQ out our neighbor's house. Here are some pics of the girls watching the fireworks.

Schuyler takes a week long business trip, hopping from state to state in the company jet.
Skyler has some dentist appointments now that she has lost a tooth and the new one coming in is not coming in correctly.
Madison will have her tonsils removed, consisting of a pre-op visit, surgery that we have to be there at 4am for, holding her for a minimum of 24 hours afterwards for observation because of her age and her sleep apnea. (Have I ever mentioned how much I "love" sleeping in hospitals!?!) She is not allowed to return to daycare for at least week and will take 2 weeks to fully heal. Then a few follow up visits.
Madison will be 3 January 31st and we are planning a moonwalk party.
Posted by SK 2 comments
Labels: Holidays