There is NO PLACE LIKE HOME!.....especially my BED!!! So, it seems my fear that Madison was getting dehydrated was correct. At the pediatrician on Monday he informed us that she needed to be hospitalized for a while to get her over this hump. We were admitted Monday thinking it was going to be a 24 hour visit and we ended up staying for 3 days! she was pretty dehydrated, running a fever, hurting and just not eating or drinking. They gave her fluids and steroids and she seems much better this afternoon. We are both glad to be out of that hospital. No more 9pm, 1am, and 5am visits from nurses or beeping machines for me PLEASE! Oh and as I have mentioned before "mommy beds" in hospital rooms are soooo NOT comfortable!

I am so glad Madison is home and doing better. I don't like to see any of my grandchildren hurting and unhappy. It is so nice to see her smile again!
Skyler is so smart and we are very proud of her. I know she will always make us proud.
awwww, sorry Madison is having such a rough time recovering, hopeful the rough spot is over!!! Yay!! Skyler, can't wait to have her in my Jr. English class! Ha! She seems to be reading higher than some of my kiddos! (J/K)It is comforting to see kids getting excited about school and a parent supporting good work habits, because it seriously lacks at the moment among the older kids.
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