Hayden's 1st week was a bit of a blur but here are some of the highlights from the week.
When she was born she weighed 6'15
When we left the hospital she weighed 6'5
At her 5 day check up to check her jaundice levels she weighed 6'10
At her 7 day check up she was 7 pounds, even and looking very healthy.
Weight 7lbs - 23%
Length 20 1/2 - 75%
Head 13 1/2 - 23%
She has so far been the easiest of my 3 children at this age.
She sleeps solid where I can vacuum around her and she doesn't even wake, she sleeps hours on end at night, 4-5 hours are normal and one night 7 HOURS!!! So wonderful for me. :o)
We went for a visit at my work and Schuyler's work where all the ladies just LOVED her and I began to wonder if they were going to give her back. {grin}
We also took a walk around the neighborhood which was nice for both her and I to get out of the house and get the blood pumping. Overall, Hayden's 1st week went really well...lets hope the rest are just as good.
Teleport Barbie
8 years ago
oh wow they look exactly alike!! So cute, Congratulations!!
They could be twins!!
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