Tuesday June 1st I went to my normal weekly doctor's appointment about 4:30pm where I was told that not only had I not dilated at all but that Hayden was is such an awkward position I had a 30% chance of having to have a Cesarean. She was head down but her feet were also down close to her head keeping her from dropping down into birth canal. During that evening I started having random pains which carried throughout the night.
Wednesday June 2nd I went to work as planned to work on payroll and a few other matters but while I was there I was in some off and on discomfort. Still....I didn't think I was in labor since nothing was consistent or very strong. I left work early and headed home for a warm shower and a nap. About 4:00 the "pains" were getting a bit strong and felt to be getting closer together. So I texted Schuyler telling him that I wasn't sure what was going on but I wanted him to come home and he did. He called me when he was leaving work and I told him that I wasn't sure if they were contractions or what but I felt safer just going to the hospital to be checked out. I even said...if I am not in labor I guess they will just send me home.
I then called my mom and she left work to come get the girls. By the time Schuyler got home I had packed the car, checked the mail, got dressed and was sitting on the couch waiting on him..ohhh and the pains had gotten a lot stronger. He walked in the door and asked how close or consistent they were and I told him that the last 2 hours I had been busy and not watching the clock. So we loaded up and headed to the hospital anyways. On the way he started timing them and they were every 2 - 2.5 minutes apart. I was dumbfounded. I knew I was in labor at that point and that the "pains" were contractions. :o)
We got to the hospital and they put me in the waiting room for a bit...I had started hurtting pretty bad by then....so Schuyler went and told them how close my contractions were and that this was my third child. They didn't waste any time from there and got me right in. I got undressed and was "checked" and was told that I was 7 centimeters dilated and asked if I wanted to have an epidural. I said "yes as soon as I can". They laughed and picked on me all the way down to my main room. After getting all hooked up and getting 2 bags of IV in, a little crying and a few curs words later I was finally able to get my epidural. I started pushing about 15-20 minutes later and the epidural had not fully taken effect but it did take a good bit of the edge off.
Teleport Barbie
8 years ago
Yay! Congrats!!
I guess I never read this post.. glad I did. This made me tear up. Having a baby is such a wonderful (and painful) experience. Its all worth it and bringing new life in the world is beyond words... congrats on your new little precious baby girl!
Thank you ladies!!!
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